The Baptism of Our Lord 2025

Descending into the waters, the sinless One becomes sinner. For that was the content of the water. All the transgressions of all those coming to John, they were all in the water. And in that water, too, were the drowned bodies of Pharaoh’s army. And the sad horror of the infants Pharaoh cast there. The stench of corruption from Noah’s flood. The blood of the Nile. The blood of Abel. The rotting core of the fruit Eve tasted. It’s all there, in water unfit for bathing….

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YHWH Saves

Do you not see your own peril, that the power of your own sinful flesh will rule you unless it is brought under subjection to the Name? And Satan comes against you, “in battle array like Goliath” [Müller]. How did David meet the giant? He said, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you” [1 Sam. 17:45f]. This David had fought with wild animals, and vanquished them, killing lion and bear. But he goes out not in his own name, not in his own strength, not in his own power. He goes out in the Name of the LORD, the Name YHWH….

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Best Music of 2024

These are my favorite albums released in 2024:

  1. Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 (Berlin Philharmonic, Sir Simon Rattle)

  2. MoonDial (Pat Metheny)

  3. Earthcycle (Orchestra of the Swan)

  4. Études Mélodiques (Marie Awadis)

  5. Arium (Thom Brennan)

  6. Can I Tell You Something? (Mark Lettieri)

  7. Stay By My Side (Gerard Cousins)

  8. LIFE (Extended) (Mari Samuelsen)

  9. Bach (Alexandre Tharaud)

  10. Brisk - single (Aukai)

  11. Upgraded (soundtrack; Isom Innis)

  12. Solastalgia (Erik Wøllo)

  13. Blurring the Edges (Data Rebel)

The First Sunday after Christmas 2024

Outside the temple there is no peace. You have challenges in your family. You feel arthritis settling in, or some other part of you is aging. Friends turn against you. Irrational people will give you no peace.

But here, in Jesus …

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Glory to God in the Highest

In many and various ways, God spoke to those people of old, sending them prophets and priests, wise men and shepherds, calling them back to Himself. Yet even the most pious and godly of those men and women were sinful at their core. They were afflicted with a mortality no medicine could cure, no science could solve….

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Glory to God in the Lowest

Glory to God in the Lowest, for God deliberately falls into the low places. Jesus is God, in the flesh. But in entering the world, He sets aside the rights of divinity. He must learn the alphabet. He cannot walk, He cannot crawl. He must be nursed. And swaddled. He has become the lowest. And He goes down, into ditches, into loneliness, into hunger. He knows betrayal. A feeding trough is His crib. …

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Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending

Non nobis - “not to us [be the glory].” The world is filled with people who say the opposite: “To us be the glory; to me be the glory.” If we’re honest, that’s who we are, deep down. What a gift, to learn from early childhood to sing the opposite: Non nobis - “not to us,” Domine, “Lord” - Sed nomini tuo - “but to Your name” be the glory….

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