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Books Finished in 2025:
Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany (St. Augustine)
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape (Andrew Stephen Damick)
The Late Show (Michael Connelly)
Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda (Megan Basham)
Total Power (Vince Flynn and Kyle Mills)
Changed Into His Likeness: A Biblical Theology of Personal Transformation (J. Gary Millar)
Demons: What the Bible Really Says about the Powers of Darkness (Michael S. Heiser)
The Lutheran Difference: An Explanation and Comparison of Christian Beliefs (Edward A. Englebrecht, ed.)
Broken Signposts: How Christianity Makes Sense of the World (N.T. Wright)
Wool (Hugh Howey)
The Bad Weather Friend (Dean Koontz)
Currently Reading:
The Resurrection of the Son of God (N.T. Wright)
An Explanation of the History of the Suffering and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Johann Gerhard)
Wolf Hall (Hilary Mantel)
Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity—and Why This Harms Everybody (Helen Pluckrose, James A. Lindsay)
Bach: Music in the Castle of Heaven (John Eliot Gardiner)
Healing Humanity: Confronting Our Moral Crisis (eds. Alexander F.C. Webster, Alfred K Siewers, David C. Ford)
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self (Carl R. Trueman)
The Reformation: The Story of Civilization, vol. 6 (Will Durant)
What God Has to Say about Our Bodies: How the Gospel Is Good News for Our Physical Selves (Sam Allberry)
Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with Destructive Conflict (Kenneth C. Haugk)
Fruit for the Soul: Luther on the Lament Psalms (Dennis Ngien)
The Psalms as Christian Lament: A Historical Commentary (Bruce K. Waltke, James M. Houston, Erika Moore)
The Creeds of Christendom, Vol. 1 (Philip Schaff)
History of Theology (Bengt Hägglund)
The Deification of Man: St Gregory Palamas and the Orthodox Tradition (Georgios I. Mantzaridis)
The Glory of the Invisible God: Two Powers in Heaven Traditions and Early Christology (Andrei A. Orlov)
Deification in Christ: Orthodox Perspectives on the Nature of the Human Person (Panayiotis Nellas)
Three Treatises on the Divine Images (John of Damascus)
The Sermon on the Mount: The Church’s First Statement of the Gospel (David P. Scaer) - reread
Follow Me: Discipleship According to St. Matthew (Martin Franzmann)
The Church Year (Celebration of Faith, vol. 2) (Alexander Schmemann)
Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity (Mark A. Noll)
Mike (P.G. Wodehouse)
The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100–600). Vol. 1. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine (Pelikan, Jaroslav)
The Jesus We Missed: The Surprising Truth About the Humanity of Christ (Patrick Henry Reardon)
Pilgrimage to Pascha: A Daily Devotional for Great Lent (Steven John Belonick)
Two Kinds of Truth (Michael Connelly)
Armored (Mark Greaney)
Without the Shedding of Blood There Is No Forgiveness of Sins (David P. Scaer)
Recommended Reading
Church History:
When the Church Was Young: Voices of the Early Fathers (Marcellino D’Ambrosio)
Eucharist and Church Fellowship in the First Four Centuries (Werner Elert)
The Church History (Eusebius)
The Democratization of American Christianity (Nathan O. Hatch)
Confessions (Saint Augustine)
God Is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
Meditations on Divine Mercy (Johann Gerhard)
The Imitation of Christ (Thomas à Kempis)
Words of Strength and Promise: Devotions for Youth (CPH, 2021)
What It Means to Be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics (O. Carter Snead)
Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
Foucault’s Pendulum (Umberto Eco)
The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)
The Old Man and the Sea (Earnest Hemingway)
Barchester Towers (Anthony Trollope)
The Inimitable Jeeves (P.G. Wodehouse)
Carry on, Jeeves (P.G. Wodehouse)
Thank You, Jeeves (P.G. Wodehouse)
Darkest Hour: How Churchill Brought England Back from the Brink (Anthony McCarten)
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns (John C. Bogle)
The Bogleheads’ Guide to the Three-Fund Portfolio: How a Simple Portfolio of Three Total Market Index Funds Outperforms Most Investors with Less Risk (Tyler Larimore)
Mind and Cosmos: What the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False (Thomas Nagel)
Society and Culture:
The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation (Rod Dreher)
Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents (Rod Dreher)
Adam and Eve after the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution (Mary Eberstadt)
Impossible People: Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization (Os Guinness)
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness (Jonathan Haidt)
The War on the West (Douglas Murray)
Amusing Ourselves to Death (Neil Postman)
Technopoly (Neil Postman)
The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned the Pandemic into a Catastrophe (Jay W. Richards, William M. Briggs, Douglas Axe)
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters (Abigail Shrier)
Intellectuals and Race (Thomas Sowell)
The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy (Thomas Sowell)
The Devil’s Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West (Michael Walsh)
The Fiery Angel: Art, Culture, Sex, Politics, and the Struggle for the Soul of the West (Michael Walsh)
What Is a Woman? (Matt Walsh)
Books in the Prädigerseminar library in Wittenberg, Germany. Photo: Christopher S. Esget
Life Together (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
The Cost of Discipleship (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
Worship in the Name of Jesus (Peter Brunner)
Heaven on Earth: The Gifts of Christ in the Divine Service (Arthur Just)
The Quest for Holiness (Adolf Köberle)
Law, Life, and the Living God (Scott R. Murray)
The Gates of Hell: Confessing Christ in a Hostile World (ed. Scott R. Murray)
Justification and Rome (Robert Preus)
Christ in His Saints (Patrick Henry Reardon)
Theology of the Lutheran Confessions (Edmund Schlink)
The Church and the Office of the Ministry (C.F.W. Walther; ed. M. Harrison)
Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey: Recover the Joys of Piety (William Weedon)
On the Apostolic Preaching (St. Irenaeus)
The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor (Jake Tapper)
Outlaw Platoon: Heroes, Renegades, Infidels, and the Brotherhood of War in Afghanistan (Sean Parnell)