Reminiscere Vespers 2023

Once they walk, we don’t carry our children anymore. Until they’re sick, or something is wrong; then we revert to treating them like babies, carrying them, wishing we could take all their burdens unto ourselves.

But we can’t. This father knows that. That’s why he says to Jesus, “I carried my son to you.”

How many times had he made similar journeys, carrying his son to physicians, priests, anyone who might be able to help?

His boy seems to have two problems: he’s alalon - what we would today call “non-verbal” - and he has seizures. They cause him to writhe on the ground, foam at the mouth, grind his teeth, and then be non-responsive.

The father attributes all this to demonic activity.

It’s quite natural to say, “Well, today we know better. We have sciency words for it: autism, and seizures.”…

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